COMPANY - Goldgel

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Goldgel is a leading company in the frozen food industry whose products are gelati, confectionery, fish, vegetables, mushrooms and fried specialties. It is partnered with Bars, Ho.Re.Ca., Catering and Normal Trade.

Goldgel thanks to the professionality of its staff follows with care the commercialization and the distribution of frozen food to the best companies in the sector. Everything is coordinated by the central warehouse in Carini from which the refrigerated means of trasportation leave to reach their destinations across Sicily.

Goldgel ensures a constant control on the distribuited products thanks to the expertise of team of professionals in the sector.

The activities of the company are inspired by values such as passion, quality, professionality and respect for the consumer. To stay true to these principles refresh courses are continuously provided to employees and great care is given to the research on nutritional quality.


Goldgel S.R.L. - Via Ercole, 7 90044 Carini (PA) - Italia  - P.IVA: 06299620820 - Tel./Fax: 091.8690153 - 091 8691612  |  Credits  |
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